Fixed Point Theorems for Monotone Mappings in Ordered Banach Spaces Under Weak Topology Features
01/42 Abdullah Alahmari, Mohamed Mabrouk, Mohamed-Aziz Taoudi -
On Some Fixed Point Theorems for Expansive Mappings in Dislocated Cone Metric Spaces with Banach Algebras
02/42 Abba Auwalu, Evren Hinçal, Lakshmi Narayan Mishra -
Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Nonlinear Katugampola Fractional Differential Equations
03/42 Bilal Basti, Yacine Arioua, Nouredine Benhamidouche -
Fast Growing Solutions to Linear Differential Equations with Entire Coefficients Having the Same ρφ-order
04/42 Benharrat Belaïdi -
A Generalization of the Hahn-Banach Theorem in Seminormed Quasilinear Spaces
05/42 Sümeyye Çakan, Yılmaz Yılmaz -
Nonincreasing Solutions for Quadratic Integral Equations of Convolution Type
06/42 Wagdy G. El-Sayed, A.A.H. Abd El-Mowla -
On the Maximum Modulus of a Polynomial
07/42 Vinay Kumar Jain -
The Existence of Monotonic Solutions of a Class of Quadratic Integral Equations of Volterra Type
08/42 Osman Karakurt, Ömer Faruk Temizer -
Number of Zeros of a Polynomial in a Specific Region with Restricted Coefficients
09/42 Abdullah Mir, Abrar Ahmad, Adil Hussain Malik -
A Minimax Approach to Mapping Partial Interval Uncertainties into Point Estimates
10/42 Vadim Romanuke -
Finite Blaschke Products and Decomposition
11/42 Sümeyra Uçar, Nihal Yılmaz Özgür