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Journal of Mathematics and Applications

Journal of Mathematics and Applications
01/42, DOI: 10.7862/rf.2019.1

Fixed Point Theorems for Monotone Mappings in Ordered Banach Spaces Under Weak Topology Features

Abdullah Alahmari, Mohamed Mabrouk, Mohamed-Aziz Taoudi

DOI: 10.7862/rf.2019.1


We present several fixed point theorems for monotone nonlinear operators in ordered Banach spaces. The main assumptions of our results are formulated in terms of the weak topology. As an application, we study the existence of solutions to a class of first-order vector-valued ordinary differential equations. Our conclusions generalize many well-known results.

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About this Article

Fixed Point Theorems for Monotone Mappings in Ordered Banach Spaces Under Weak Topology Features

Abdullah Alahmari (1)
Mohamed Mabrouk (2)
Mohamed-Aziz Taoudi (3)

(1) College of Applied Sciences, KSA
(2) College of Applied Sciences, KSA
Faculty of Sciences of Gabès, University of Gabès, TUNISIA
(3) National School of Applied Sciences, Cadi Ayyad University, MOROCCO

Journal of Mathematics and Applications

Fixed point theorem; Order cone; Increasing operator; Decreasing operator; Weakly condensing; Measure of weak noncompactness.






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