Analiza więzów manipulatora w zadaniu zrobotyzowanej obróbki mechanicznej dyfuzora
88(3/16) Piotr GIERLAK -
Analysis of weldability of dual-phase steel used in automotive industry
88(3/16) Ján VIŇÁŠ, Ľuboš KAŠČÁK -
Deep drawing of tailor-welded blanks made of high-strength steel
88(3/16) Alexander SCHREK, Pavol ŠVEC, Veronika GAJDOŠOVÁ -
Evaluation of friction coefficient of an auto-body steel sheet
88(3/16) Tomasz TRZEPIECIŃSKI, Romuald FEJKIEL, Andrzej KUBIT, Wojciech BOCHNOWSKI -
Evaluation of tribological properties of laser textured hardened tool steels
88(3/16) Jana ŠUGÁROVÁ, Martin FRNČÍK, Martin NECPAL, Jana MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Martin KUSÝ -
Propagation of the sound wave by an unclosed spherical shell and a penetrable ellipsoid
88(3/16) Gennady SHUSHKEVICH -
Tensile properties of additively manufactured polyetherimide parts
88(3/16) Ivan GAJDOŠ, Emil SPIŠÁK, Tomasz JACHOWICZ, Tomasz GARBACZ