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Journal of Mathematics and Applications

Journal of Mathematics and Applications
9/35, DOI: 10.7862/rf.2012.9

On parameters of independence, domination and irredundance in edge-coloured graphs and their products

Andrzej Włoch, Iwona Włoch

DOI: 10.7862/rf.2012.9


In this paper we study some parameters of domination, independence and irredundance in some edge-coloured graphs and their products. We present several general properties of independent, dominat-
ing and irredundance sets in edge-coloured graphs and we give relationships between the independence, domination and irredundant numbers of an edge-coloured graph. We generalize some classical results concerning independence, domination and irredundance in graphs. Moreover we study G-join of edge-coloured graphs which preserves considered parameters with respect to related parameters in product factors.

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About this Article

On parameters of independence, domination and irredundance in edge-coloured graphs and their products

Andrzej Włoch (1)
Iwona Włoch (2)

(1) Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics, Rzeszow University of Technology,
Al. Powstancow Warszawy 12, 35-359 Rzeszow, Poland
(2) Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics, Rzeszow University of Technology,
Al. Powstancow Warszawy 12, 35-359 Rzeszow, Poland

Journal of Mathematics and Applications

edge-coloured graph, monochromatic paths, independence, domination, irredundance





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