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Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska

Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska
2015.181, DOI: 10.7862/rb.2015.181



DOI: 10.7862/rb.2015.181


combined structures are presented. A unified design model of combined systems
was proposed (based on the decomposition of the system) as a beam on elastic
supports, which simulates the beam stiffness and elastic support system. The essence
of the calculation: first, based on decomposition of the system, the system is
divided into two subsystems - major and supporting. Furthermore, using synthesis
system calculated its SDS. The rationality criterions of energy efficient design are:
stress equality, bending moment equality, maximal inflexibility or minimum
structure mass. The mathematical model of iterative design process of rational
combined structure was shown. It is shown that the main advantage of the developed
calculation method for combined structures SDS regulation is calculated
stress equality section of the beam stiffness, which gives them a decisive advantage
in comparison with similar structures without the SDS regulation. Based on
the results of the research, there were proposed new structural forms of combined
systems that are protected by patents of Ukraine for inventions. The result is a decrease
in the mass of metal structures up to 30%. Simplified topology decreases
the cost of structure manufacturing.

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About this Article



National university «Lviv Polіtekhnіka»

Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska

model, stress deformation state (SDS), energy criterion, stress equality, mathematical model, iterative design process, combined metal structures





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