Advances in sheet metal forming technologies
84 (4/12) Tomasz Trzepieciński -
Application of coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach in metal forming simulations
84 (4/12) Andrzej Skrzat -
Bending force and springback characteristics of the tailor-welded 18G2A-E355 steel strips
84 (4/12) Paweł Froń, Feliks Stachowicz -
Evaluation of the cutting edge fan-shaped during the cutting process by the hydro abrasive water jet
84 (4/12) Roman Šúň, Emil Spišák -
Experimental and numerical analysis of the deep drawing process using optical measuring system
84 (4/12) Ján Slota, Miroslav Jurčišin -
Parametryczne programowanie szlifowania wyrobów ceramicznych o złożonej geometrii
84 (4/12) Marek Krok, Janusz Porzycki, Roman Wdowik