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Modern Management Review (dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)

Modern Management Review
(dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)
20 (2/2013), DOI: 10.7862/rz.2013.mmr.18

The synthesis of the logistic systems with application of the heuristic approach

Dušan Malindžák, Jana Vrlíková, Aboubaker Altiaieb Moussttfa

DOI: 10.7862/rz.2013.mmr.18


In the paper a heuristic approach for design logistic systems is described. Heuristic approach
is established on the modeling of the human mental activities by the solution of an
interesting problem. In management practices exist many activities-problems, which cannot
be modeled or solved by a mathematical – analytical method, but the man is able successfully
to solve this. One of the way, is to analyze the process of problem solution by man
and define from it the rules, principle which applied by the man/human intelligence/ and to
support it with information technology /artificial intelligence / and get it to algorithm -
model. This approach is very successful mainly in creation the models for executive –
aggregate planning, capacity planning, scheduling, decision making. Rules are classified as
heuristics, expert rules, technological rules, limitations and optimization criteria. In the paper
is described “roads methods –sequential criterion application method”, which define the
sequence of rules, out from decision tree, on the relations among the rules and their priority.
The methodic described in this paper is a result of the induction from many applications of
the real solution of the logistic problem in practice.

Full text (pdf)


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About this Article

The synthesis of the logistic systems with application of the heuristic approach

Dušan Malindžák (1)
Jana Vrlíková (2)
Aboubaker Altiaieb Moussttfa (3)

(1) Faculty of Management, Rzeszow University of Technology
(2) FBERG, TU Košice, ÚLPaD.
(3) SjF,TU Košice.

Modern Management Review
20 (2/2013)

logistic systems, heuristic approach, information technology.




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