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Modern Management Review (dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)

Modern Management Review
(dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)
20 (1/2013), DOI: 10.7862/rz.2013.mmr.9

Benchmarking Alcohol Literacy: A Multi Country Study

Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Dariusz Siemieniako, Krzysztof Kubacki, Sameer Deshapnde

DOI: 10.7862/rz.2013.mmr.9


Alcohol is a harmful drug putting both the individual and others at risk, all at a great cost to society. Considerable debate surrounds alcohol marketing practices with some advocating for more government control on the marketing of alcohol to curb excessive alcohol consumption. An opposing view exists with others advocating for an individual’s right to choose, with lobbyists making specific reference to informed adults. This paper contends this debate may be premature as adults are not adequately informed about alcohol. Data was collected from more than 1,500 respondents in Australia, Canada and Poland to provide an initial benchmark for alcohol literacy. The results of this study indicate that adults are not sufficiently informed about alcohol, and the effects of alcohol on their health. Our research indicates that adult alcohol literacy must first be improved to ensure that informed choices can be made. In an era of social responsibility alcohol stakeholders are obligated to act. In the absence of fully informed adults government must act immediately to prevent alcohol related harm in the short term and to ensure that adults are alcohol literate to encourage moderate drinking in the long term. Public policy implications are outlined

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About this Article

Benchmarking Alcohol Literacy: A Multi Country Study

Sharyn Rundle-Thiele (1)
Dariusz Siemieniako (2)
Krzysztof Kubacki (3)
Sameer Deshapnde (4)

(1) Griffith University
(2) Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Management
(3) Griffith University
(4) University of Lethbridge

Modern Management Review
20 (1/2013)

alcohol literacy, social marketing, alcohol consumption, marketing research




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