Modern Management Review
(dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)
27 (4/2020), DOI: 10.7862/rz.2020.mmr.25
Marcin GĘBAROWSKI, Magdalena MAJKA
DOI: 10.7862/rz.2020.mmr.25
Huge marketing events may be used by their sponsors to provide vast masses of people with extraordinary and memorable experiences that have a powerful impact on a brand image. Music festivals have a considerable potential in this respect. This paper demonstrates how participants of Pol’and’Rock Festival see this event in the marketing dimension and how they perceive activities performed by sponsors. The authors conducted survey research, the results of which showed that festival participants recognise and accept marketing activities carried out by the event organiser and sponsors. The majority of respondents are aware of the fact that they could not attend concerts free of charge without financial support provided by sponsors. The results of the research not only serve as a basis for further, in-depth scientific analyses, but also enable the festival organiser and its partners to gain knowledge of how to perform marketing activities in an effective manner.
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About this Article
Magdalena MAJKA (2)
(1) College of Management Sciences and Quality, Institute of Quality and Product Management Sciences, Cracow University of Economics
(2) MSc., eng., former student, College of Management Sciences and Quality, Institute of Quality and Product Management Sciences, Cracow University of Economics
Modern Management Review
27 (4/2020)
marketing, sponsoring, marketing events, big music festivals, Pol’and’Rock Festival
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