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Modern Management Review (dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)

Modern Management Review
(dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)
25 (4/2018), DOI: 10.7862/rz.2018.mmr.55


Submitted by: Paweł Perz

DOI: 10.7862/rz.2018.mmr.55


The employer branding concept has evolved from a novelty and solution originally addressed to large businesses to one of the tools used nowadays to build competitive advantage and oriented towards attracting the most talented candidates, as well as a method of limiting key employee fluctuation. Nowadays, the issue of employer branding is becoming increasingly important. More and more organizations realize that their future success may depend on whether they are able to attract, recruit and retain employees with the desired qualifications.

The article discusses the concept of employer branding as a tool supporting the recruitment process within the framework of human resources management. Particular attention is external EB tools such as the Career / Work Tab on the potential employer's site. The key to effective use of the "career" tab is to ensure that the candidate is provided with relevant information to better understand the organization, assess whether the expectations of the employer and candidate are convergent, find an interesting job offer, and prepare for an interview. The results of research carried out among selected companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange inclusion in WIG 30 on the content of the effectiveness of these websites were included. The companies representing three sectors (industry, finances, services) have been researched.

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About this Article


Magdalena M. STUSS (1)
Izabela STAŃCZYK (2)

(1) PhD, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Economics, Finance and Management, Department of Organization and Management
(2) PhD, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Economics, Finance and Management, Department of Human Resources Management
(3) DSc, PhD, Associate Prof., Jagiellonian University, Institute of Economics, Finance and Management, Department of Human Resources Management

Paweł Perz

Modern Management Review
25 (4/2018)

employer branding, EB, communication, Career / Work Tab




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