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Modern Management Review (dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)

Modern Management Review
(dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)
25 (2/2018), DOI: 10.7862/rz.2018.mmr.16

Simplicity of Running Business in Georgia – Present and Future Development

Submitted by: Paweł Perz

DOI: 10.7862/rz.2018.mmr.16


Creating favorable conditions for the development of the private sector - and in such a way that the poorest sections of the population can benefit from it - suggests the creation of appropriate business regulation conditions under which new vigorous entrepreneurs, regardless of gender and national origin, who have promising ideas, will be able to open enterprises, firms will be able to invest and develop, creating additional jobs. To carry out business activities, effective rules are required - norms that establish and clarify property rights, ensure a reduction in the costs associated with resolving disputes; norms that ensure the predictability of business transactions and the trust of partners, protection from abuse. Comprehensive criteria for monitoring business development have been developed by the World Bank and every year they conduct a corporate survey of managers of various firms (World Bank's Doing Business project). The purpose of the research is to ensure the adoption of rules that are effective, information about which is accessible to all and which are easy to apply.

In the following paper, I tried to answer the question which is interesting many foreign investors – it easy to run a business in Georgia? To answer this question, I used World Bank Doing Business project. The aim of the study is only to provide the leading business representatives with an evidence base for policy development and public data to study the impact of business regulation systems on economic outcomes such as productivity, investment, reducing bureaucracy, corruption, unemployment, poverty etc.

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About this Article

Simplicity of Running Business in Georgia – Present and Future Development


Doctor in Economics & Management, Head of Innovation Management Center Faculty Economics&Business at Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Paweł Perz

Modern Management Review
25 (2/2018)

Competitiveness, Country's Strategy, Ranking, Assessment Criteria, International Business




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