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Modern Management Review (dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)

Modern Management Review
(dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)
23 (3/2016), DOI: 10.7862/rz.2016.mmr.33


Submitted by: Paweł Perz

DOI: 10.7862/rz.2016.mmr.33


The objective of the paper is to explore the values and attitudes of CSR amongst CEMS SGH students in Poland. CEMS – the global alliance of management education is an association of best universities around the world. There are 29 prominent partner universities, amongst others are: Warsaw School of Economics in Poland, University of Economics in Czech Republic or ESADE in Spain. Students are perceived as future managers of the corporate world and their perception about CSR is deemed important to business organisations. The education sector is seen as playing a crucial role in preparing the next generations of future leaders through incorporating CSR related subjects into programmes and research. The study will offer a unique insight into the CSR attitudes of business students in a job choice context answering the question in which extent CEMS education shapes the values of students. The research was undertaken using online survey. CSR values were explored in the context of a hypothetical job search scenario. While the majority of students rated CSR values highly in the job choice scenario, a larger majority were willing to trade this off for greater extrinsic benefits. The results of the research will permit to design effective business programmes that shape the social responsibility behaviours of the next generation of managers and leaders. This paper used survey data from small sample of management students in a limited geographic area that is Poland. Hence, it might be difficult to generalize the results to a larger, more representative population.

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About this Article



Instytut Zarządzania, Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów, Szkoła Głowna Handlowa w Warszawie

Paweł Perz

Modern Management Review
23 (3/2016)

Corporate social Responsibility, CEMS education, business education, values, attitudes to corporate social responsibility




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