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Modern Management Review (dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)

Modern Management Review
(dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)
22 (1/2015), DOI: 10.7862/rz.2015.mmr.11



DOI: 10.7862/rz.2015.mmr.11


The article is an attempt to answer the question about the relationship between regional
food and buyers’ attitudes as well as consumer ethnocentrism phenomenon. The concept of
regional products was defined by using both the definition of the labeling associated with
this category in the legislation of the EU and terms used by practitioners and theoreticians
concerned with food market. On the basis of a review of literature, a number of benefits
generated by regional products were shown. Both their individual dimension (benefits for
manufacturers, distributors and consumers), and the advantages in macro scale were highlighted.
Taking into account the latter, it was found that the regional products may comprise
a direct response to the needs of the consumers with ethnocentric attitudes. The choice of
this type of product can be not only attractive but also easy for them. Regional products, defined
as having a specificity related to the area of origin, in most cases refer to the place of
manufacture when it comes to their names. It seems that highly loyal to regional products
can be clients defined as ‘local patriots’, who are buyers with high level of regional ethnocentrism.
A number of authors advocate the introduction of this semantic category, besides
the broader term of ‘consumer ethnocentrism’. They stress regional differences in consumer’s
preferences as well as applying them in every day choices, not only with national but also
local context. The article is a part of this trend.

Full text (pdf)


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About this Article


Iwona OLENIUCH (1)
Izabela CICHOCKA (2)

(1) Department of Enterprise, Management and Ecoinnovation, Faculty of Management,
Rzeszów University of Technology
(2) Chair of Quantitative Methods in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of
Information Technology and Management

Modern Management Review
22 (1/2015)

consumer behavior, consumer attitude, ethnocentrism , regional food pro




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