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Modern Management Review (dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)

Modern Management Review
(dawna nazwa: Zarządzanie i Marketing)
21 (3/2014), DOI: 10.7862/rz.2014.mmr.40



DOI: 10.7862/rz.2014.mmr.40


The main subject of this paper is to introduce the most significant values of business-to-business relationship marketing. The attention is particularly paid to mutual value creation, long-term co-operation, loyalty and customer retention due to the most fundamental buyer-seller rela-tionships based on trust. Moreover, the relationship marketing, business-to-business co-operation in the context of basic marketing relationships are described. The relationship marketing, regard-ing to Gummesson’s definition, is seen in the context of relationships, networks and interaction. This approach underlines the meaning of relationship management, which aims at creation, de-velopment, and maintenance of network in which the company succeeds. Moreover, there is a strong need for interaction between buyers and sellers due to produce and sell the goods and ser-vices with impact on direct, personal communication. The relationship marketing is the value it-self in the process of interaction between parties involved, as it provides the rule of equity be-tween co-operating companies of more winning and less loosing situations.
This paper highlights the value of co-operation, however does not exclude competition. Co-operation and competition are treated inseparably in business. There is also a concern for activity and taking responsibility by parties involved described as well as the importance of relationship and service values instead of bureaucratic-legal values stressed. Customers need to be in focus, respected, treated individually as they are the purpose of value creation in the business-to-business relationship marketing.

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About this Article



Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management, Chair of Management and Computing Systems

Modern Management Review
21 (3/2014)

relationship marketing, values, co-operation, business-to-business




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