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Physics for Economy

Physics for Economy
vol. 1/2018, DOI: 10.7862/rf.2018.pfe.1

Advances in hearing prosthetics

Violetta Bednarska, Henryka Czyż, Tadeusz Jasiński

DOI: 10.7862/rf.2018.pfe.1


This text analyses several topics connected with hearing test methods and hearing
prosthetics for patients with hearing impairments or hearing loss. The hearing is one
of the senses which plays a crucial part in human's cognition of the surrounding
world and spatial orientation. Proper functioning of the hearing organ is a foundation
of communication between people as well as the development of civil society.
A hearing impairment or hearing loss disrupts social relationships between people,
it entails developmental disorders in children, and causes learning difficulties. Methods
of diagnosing patients and hearing prosthetics are very complex topics and are
investigated by interdisciplinary research teams. The development of these fields
of medicine and technology contributes to improving the quality of life for people
with hearing impairment or deafness. This paper presents ways and means of improving
or compensating for hearing losses with the use of hearing aids. Nowadays,
hearing impairments and hearing losses concern even young people. One of the reasons
for the deterioration of hearing is the ubiquitous noise in the modern world.
Moreover, this text discusses the construction of hearing aids, with a particular emphasis
placed on modern technological solutions. It is highlighted that hearing aids
are currently available for the general public.

Full text (pdf)


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About this Article

Advances in hearing prosthetics

Violetta Bednarska (1)
Henryka Czyż (2)
Tadeusz Jasiński (3)

(1) Rzeszow University of Technology
(2) Rzeszow University of Technology
(3) Rzeszow University of Technology

Physics for Economy
vol. 1/2018

auditory perception, hearing test methods, hearing aids






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