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85 (4/13), DOI: 10.7862/rm.2013.49

Reaction shaping of the unmanned aerial vehicle on the operator remote steering signals

Andrzej Tomczyk

DOI: 10.7862/rm.2013.49


Remote manual control of unmanned aerial vehicle is used more often during take-of and landing phases. Depends on UAV take-off mass and speed (total energy) the potential crash can be very dangerous for an airplane and environment. So, handling qualities of UAV is important from the user point of view. In many cases the dynamic properties of remote controlling UAV are not suitable for obtaining the desired properties of the handling qualities from operator's point of view. In this case, the control augmentation system (CAS) should be applied. The method of UAV handling qualities shaping is presented in this paper. The main idea of this method is that UAV reaction on the operator steering signals should be similar - almost the same – as the reaction of the „ideal” remote control aircraft. The model of following method was used for controller parameters calculations. The numerical example concerns the medium size UAV MP-02A Czajka applied as an aerial observer system.

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About this Article

Reaction shaping of the unmanned aerial vehicle on the operator remote steering signals

Andrzej Tomczyk

Rzeszow University of Technology

85 (4/13)

unmanned aerial vehicle, controlling, augmentation system, autopilot





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