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Obowiązek informacyjny wynikający z Ustawy z dnia 16 listopada 2012 r. o zmianie ustawy – Prawo telekomunikacyjne oraz niektórych innych ustaw.

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1/2018, DOI: 10.7862/rm.2018.01

An airspace model aplicable for automatic flight route planning inside free route airspace

Grzegorz DRUPKA, Andrzej MAJKA, Tomasz ROGALSKI, Leszek TRELA

DOI: 10.7862/rm.2018.01


The article is strongly related to the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) project. The project’s objective is the improvement of air transport above Europe 0. Since Air Traffic Management (ATM) is involved to obtain more effective approach to air traffic flow managing activities, the concept of Flexible Use Airspace (FUA) has arisen in result. ATM is a quite developed aviation’s subdomain, therefore currently existing airspace state has been described briefly in the article, referring to the presented solution concept. The notion of Free Route Airspace (FRA) airspace model defined in this article relies on mathematical description. The selected approach clarifies airspace as a set of squares or cubes that have volumes with appointed values due to certain conditions in the considered time (i.e. traffic flow or weather). The model has to ensure facilitation of flight route planning and warrant aircrafts separation towards flight safety assurance. The concept assumes that this airspace model will provide assistance for airspace user to select essential flight plan criteria, such as economy, time, etc. The path will be appointed according to personal preferences, based on the model from which further elaborated algorithm will evaluate situation. The presented solution is a response to air traffic growth. Therefore it supports the SESAR project through research and development activities. The description proves that airspace model would create enhancement in flight planning for airspace users.

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About this Article

An airspace model aplicable for automatic flight route planning inside free route airspace

Grzegorz DRUPKA (1)
Andrzej MAJKA (2)
Tomasz ROGALSKI (3)
Leszek TRELA (4)

(1) Rzeszow University of Technology
(2) Rzeszow University of Technology
(3) Rzeszow University of Technology
(4) Rzeszow University of Technology


transport, navigation, air transport, flight planning, flight safety






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