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88 (4/16), DOI: 10.7862/rm.2016.27

Co-firing of coal with natural gas - computational simulations

Przemysław Motyl, Jan Łach

DOI: 10.7862/rm.2016.27


The paper includes the results of computational tests conducted to compare coal combustion to the natural gas co-firing with coal in the combustion chamber of the conventional OP230 boiler with low-emission front burners and open-fire air (OFA) nozzles. It was shown that co-firing coal with the co-fuel with high content of methane can result in the reduction of NOx emissions about 40% compared with the coal combustion. The results obtained can be used as a benchmark for comparative computer tests of indirect co-firing of coal with syngas derived from wood- and agriculturally-based biomass and waste products.

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About this Article

Co-firing of coal with natural gas - computational simulations

Przemysław Motyl (1)
Jan Łach (2)

(1) University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
(2) University of Technology and Humanities in Radom

88 (4/16)

co-firing, boiler, low-emission combustion






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