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86(4/14), DOI: 10.7862/rm.2014.66

Hardening laws in miltilevel crystal plasticity models and macro effects of complex cyclic loading

Pavel S. VOLEGOV, Peter V. TRUSOV, Dmitry S. GRIBOV, Alexey I. SHVEYKIN

DOI: 10.7862/rm.2014.66


The problem of constructing a physically based hardening laws of mono- and polycrystalline samples in multi-level theories using crystal plasticity is considered, these hardening laws should allow describing the process of the defect structure evolution of the material due to the intensive inelastic deformations. It is also should be applicable to the description of complex and cyclic loading. An approach to the construction of a general and a particular form of hardening law is proposed, which takes into account the interaction of full and split dislocations with each other, forming and destruction of dislocation barriers, annihilation of dislocations during reverse loading and the interaction of intragranular and grain boundary dislocations. Using the obtained hardening law, the known experimental effects of complex and cyclic loading are described.

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About this Article

Hardening laws in miltilevel crystal plasticity models and macro effects of complex cyclic loading

Pavel S. VOLEGOV (1)
Peter V. TRUSOV (2)
Dmitry S. GRIBOV (3)
Alexey I. SHVEYKIN (4)

(1) Perm National Research Polytechniс University, Perm, Russia
(2) Perm National Research Polytechniс University, Perm, Russia
(3) Perm National Research Polytechniс University, Perm, Russia
(4) Perm National Research Polytechniс University, Perm, Russia


multilevel models, crystal plasticity, hardening, complex loading, cycle loading, damage accumulation





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