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86(4/14), DOI: 10.7862/rm.2014.64

Analysis of the delamination in drilling of particleboard

Krzysztof SZWAJKA

DOI: 10.7862/rm.2014.64


Particleboard is a wood based composite extensively used in wood working. Drilling is the most commonly used machining process in furniture industries. The surface characteristics and the damage free drilling are significantly influenced by the machining parameters. The thrust force developed during drilling plays a major role in gaining the surface quality and minimizing the delamination tendency. In this study eighteen durability tests of tools for different values of the analyzed cutting parameters were carried out. Based on the obtained results, the effect of cutting parameters of selected signals of axial force and cutting torque was found. Mathematical models using ANOVA, allowing to estimate the value of cutting forces was proposed.

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About this Article

Analysis of the delamination in drilling of particleboard

Krzysztof SZWAJKA

Rzeszow University of Technology


drilling, feed force, cutting torque, tool wear, laminated chipboard





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