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86(4/14), DOI: 10.7862/rm.2014.58

Comparative 3D FEM analysis of three different dental implant shapes

Stanisław KUT

DOI: 10.7862/rm.2014.58


This paper presents the results of numerical modeling using the finite element method of three implants. Geometric models of individual parts of the analyzed system (implant, abutment and screw) and the standard models of the bone and the crown were built in the Ideas NX environment. On the basis of real geometric models the fully three-dimensional numerical models were built. The calculations for different implant systems were carried out using MARC/Mentat commercial software. The numerical models of each system consist of five deformable bodies being connected to each others. Modeling was carried out in two stages. The first stage includes the modeling of the stresses in the bone-implant-abutment-screw assembly. The preload of models was set so that the axial stress in the screw core is equal to 75% of yield stress of material from which the screw was made. In the second stage the model with assembly stresses was being loaded with oblique force on the crown with values in the range from 0 to 250 N. An analysis and comparison of stress distributions and values of stresses in analysed implant systems were carried out. This investigation shows the meaningful influence of the shape of implant of an abutment on distribution and values of stress, load capacity of individual  implant systems, and furthermore, stress in osseous tissue.

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About this Article

Comparative 3D FEM analysis of three different dental implant shapes

Stanisław KUT

Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland


dental implants, 3D numerical analysis, load, stress distribution





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