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Journal of Mathematics and Applications

Journal of Mathematics and Applications
01/43, DOI: 10.7862/rf.2020.1

On the Alternative Structures for a Three-Grade Markov Manpower System

Vincent A. Amenaghawon, Virtue U. Ekhosuehi, Augustine A. Osagiede

DOI: 10.7862/rf.2020.1


This paper considers a manpower system modelled within the Markov chain context under the condition that recruitment is done to replace outgoing flows. The paper takes up the embeddability problem in a three-grade manpower system and examines it from the standpoint of generating function (i.e., the z-transform of stochastic matrices). The method constructs a stochastic matrix that is made up of a limiting-state probability matrix and a partial sum of transient matrices. Examples are provided to illustrate the utility of the method.

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About this Article

On the Alternative Structures for a Three-Grade Markov Manpower System

Vincent A. Amenaghawon (1)
Virtue U. Ekhosuehi (2)
Augustine A. Osagiede (3)

(1) Igbinedion University, Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, NIGERIA
(2) University of Benin, Department of Statistics, NIGERIA
(3) University of Benin, Department of Mathematics, NIGERIA

Journal of Mathematics and Applications

Embeddability problem; Manpower system; Markov chain; Stochastic matrix; Z-transform.






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