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Journal of Mathematics and Applications

Journal of Mathematics and Applications
04/41, DOI: 10.7862/rf.2018.4

Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations with Non-Instantaneous Impulses in Banach Spaces

Mouffak Benchohra, Mehdi Slimane

DOI: 10.7862/rf.2018.4


This paper is devoted to study the existence of solutions for a class of initial value problems for non-instantaneous impulsive fractional differential equations involving the Caputo fractional derivative in a Banach space. The arguments are based upon Mönch's fixed point theorem and the technique of measures of noncompactness.

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About this Article

Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations with Non-Instantaneous Impulses in Banach Spaces

Mouffak Benchohra (1)
Mehdi Slimane (2)

(1) Laboratory of Mathematics, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi-Bel-Abbès, ALGERIA
(2) Laboratory of Mathematics, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi-Bel-Abbès, ALGERIA

Journal of Mathematics and Applications

Initial value problem; Impulses; Caputo fractional derivative; Measure of noncompactness; Fixed point; Banach space





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