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Journal of Mathematics and Applications

Journal of Mathematics and Applications
11/38, DOI: 10.7862/rf.2015.11

The random of lacunary statistical on χ2 over p-metric spaces defined by Musielak

N. Subramanian, R. Babu, P. Thirunavukkarasu

DOI: 10.7862/rf.2015.11


Mursaleen introduced the concepts of statistical convergence in random 2-normed spaces. Recently Mohiuddine and Aiyup defined the notion of lacunary statistical convergence and lacunary statistical Cauchy in random 2-normed spaces. In this paper, we define and study the notion of lacunary statistical convergence and lacunary of statistical Cauchy sequences in random on χ2 over p− metric spaces defined by Musielak and prove some theorems which generalizes Mohiuddine and Aiyup results.


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About this Article

The random of lacunary statistical on χ2 over p-metric spaces defined by Musielak

N. Subramanian (1)
R. Babu (2)
P. Thirunavukkarasu (3)

(1) Department of Mathematics, SASTRA University, Thanjavur-613 401, India
(2) Department of Mathematics, Shanmugha Polytechnic College, Thanjavur-613 401, India
(3) P.G. and Research Department of Mathematics, Periyar E.V.R. College (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli–620 023, India

Journal of Mathematics and Applications

analytic sequence, double sequences, χ2 space, Musielak - modulus function, Random p− metric space, Lacunary sequence, Statistical convergence





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