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Journal of Mathematics and Applications

Journal of Mathematics and Applications
03/36, DOI: 10.7862/rf.2013.3

In uence of boundary conditions on 2D wave propagation in a rectangle

N. K. Ashirbayev, J. N. Ashirbayeva

DOI: 10.7862/rf.2013.3


Work is devoted to generalization of a di erential method of spatial characteristics to case of the at task about distribution of waves in rectangular area of the nal sizes with gaps in boundary conditions. On the basis of the developed numerical technique are received the settlement certainly - di erential ratios of  dynamic tasks in special points of front border of rectangular area, where boundary conditions on coordinate aren't continuous. They su er a rupture of the rst sort in points in which action P - gurative dynamic loading begins. Results of research are brought to the numerical decision.

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About this Article

In uence of boundary conditions on 2D wave propagation in a rectangle

N. K. Ashirbayev (1)
J. N. Ashirbayeva (2)

(1) .South Kazakhstan State University, M. Auezov Shymkent University, 160000 Shymkent, Kazakhstan
(2) South Kazakhstan State University, M. Auezov Shymkent University, 160000 Shymkent, Kazakhstan

Journal of Mathematics and Applications

isotropic environment, dynamic load, plane deformation, special point, tension, speed, wave progress, numerical solution, algorithm






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