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Obowiązek informacyjny wynikający z Ustawy z dnia 16 listopada 2012 r. o zmianie ustawy – Prawo telekomunikacyjne oraz niektórych innych ustaw.

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33 (1/2013), DOI: 10.7862/re.2013.18

Wybrane aspekty analizy narażeń przepięciowych stacji wysokich i najwyższych napięć typu GIS powstałych w wyniku wyładowań atmosferycznych

Marcin Szewczyk, Wojciech Piasecki, Mariusz Stosur, Tomasz Kuczek, Przemysław Balcerek, Marek Florkowski

DOI: 10.7862/re.2013.18


In the paper practical aspects of insulation co-ordination analyses are presented for high and ultra high voltage Gas Insulated Switchgear substations. Modeling methods are elaborated for proper selection of overvoltage protection measures, such as surge arresters, overhead lines towers grounding system, and line insulators chain lengths. The methods of lightning surges and substation equipment modeling were presented with special interest in modeling of nonlinear phenomena and high frequency characteristics, allowing for the required accuracy of the simulation results. The results for exemplary insulation co-ordination analysis are presented, showing the cable line impact on the substation overvoltages. The analysis was performed for a Single Line Diagram of an exemplary typical High Voltage GIS substation, for which a typical configuration and parameters of the elements have been assumed: overhead lines, substation apparatus, transformers and surge arresters. For the surge arresters, the analysis of the arresters reliable and efficient energy dissipation was analyzed, which allowed for evaluation and verification of proper selection and operation of the equipment in given voltage stress conditions and the assumed substation layout. The analyses presented in the paper shows that the cable line connections within or between substations have significant impact on overvoltages, which can threaten insulation system of transformers and can also influence selection of number and location placement of the surge arresters.

Pełny tekst (pdf)


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Wybrane aspekty analizy narażeń przepięciowych stacji wysokich i najwyższych napięć typu GIS powstałych w wyniku wyładowań atmosferycznych

Marcin Szewczyk (1)
Wojciech Piasecki (2)
Mariusz Stosur (3)
Tomasz Kuczek (4)
Przemysław Balcerek (5)
Marek Florkowski (6)

(1) Korporacyjne Centrum Badawcze ABB, Kraków
(2) Korporacyjne Centrum Badawcze ABB, Kraków
(3) Korporacyjne Centrum Badawcze ABB, Kraków
(4) Korporacyjne Centrum Badawcze ABB, Kraków
(5) Korporacyjne Centrum Badawcze ABB, Kraków
(6) Korporacyjne Centrum Badawcze ABB, Kraków

33 (1/2013)

lightning overvoltages, insulation co-ordination, lightning protection, GIS substation, High Voltage





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