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Humanities and Social Sciences (dawna nazwa: Ekonomia i Nauki Humanistyczne)

Humanities and Social Sciences
(dawna nazwa: Ekonomia i Nauki Humanistyczne)
27 (1/2020), DOI: 10.7862/rz.2020.hss.7

Psychological actions in the armed conflict

Grzegorz ROSŁAN
Submitted by: Pawe Perz

DOI: 10.7862/rz.2020.hss.7


Scientific and technical progress and development in the sphere of telecommunications, computer science, and multimedia has ushered in a new era – the so-called “information society”. Propaganda and information activities are a key element of psychological actions that have a long tradition and are currently an extremely effective tool for implementing the foreign and internal policy of the Russian Federation. The Russian armed forces have at their disposal a very extensive set of tools and processes that enables them to conduct such actions.

The purpose of this article is to explain the significance of psychological and propaganda actions in armed conflict. In addition, the article presents classic forms of psychological actions and a definition is proposed that reflects the specifics of these actions. This article aims to prepare the reader to learn and understand the essence of psychological actions in armed conflict. The author's considerations prove that psychological actions and propaganda are not new phenomena; rather, these actions currently have an extremely wide range of use in armed conflict. The use of psychological and propaganda actions is related the development of the internet and the role of the recipient, who through social networking, becomes an unconscious recipient and relay.

Full text (pdf)


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About this Article

Psychological actions in the armed conflict

Grzegorz ROSŁAN

DSc, PhD, Eng, Associate Prof., Rzeszow University of Technology, The Faculty of Management, al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów

Pawe Perz

Humanities and Social Sciences
27 (1/2020)

psychological actions, PSYOPS, propaganda, military conflict




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