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Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska

Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska
2015.141, DOI: 10.7862/rb.2015.141

New biocomposites based on hemp hurds


DOI: 10.7862/rb.2015.141


The development in the field of building materials tending to biocomposites made from natural resources is increasing worldwide. Natural fibre-reinforced composites are attractive due to their environmental and economic advantages. Natural fibres such as kenaf, jute, hemp and sisal are combined with inorganic matrix (based on conventional and/or non conventional material) in biocomposites for their application in building industry. A great importance in Europe has technical hemp as sustainable and fast renewable resource of lignocellulosic fibres with high specific strength, which can be utilized as filler/reinforcement material in composites.

This paper presents the results obtained from an experimental study of the mechanical and physical properties of biocomposites prepared with Portland cement as a binder and chemically treated and untreated hemp hurds as a filling agent.

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About this Article

New biocomposites based on hemp hurds

Julia CIGASOVA (1)
Nadezda STEVULOVA (2)
Alena SICAKOVA (3)

(1) Technical University of Kosice
(2) Technical University of Kosice
(3) Technical University of Kosice

Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska

lignocellulose fibres, lightweight composites, surface treatment, me-chanical properties, physical properties




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