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Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska

Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska
17/2/13, DOI: 10.7862/rb.2013.17

Joint moment-rotation characteristic in light of experimental simulations of frame column loss

Marian A. GIŻEJOWSKI, Aleksander SZWED, Albashir Ali K. SALEH, Wioleta BARCEWICZ
Submitted by: Katarzyna PIETRUCHA-URBANIK

DOI: 10.7862/rb.2013.17


Aspects related to robustness of steel frameworks with semi-rigid steel and steelconcrete

composite joints are dealt with. Experimental investigations were carried

out for sub-frames fabricated in technical scale. Pushdown tests for steel subframes

simulated the joint ability to transfer the bending moment and axial force

under a column loss scenario. Tests on composite sub-frames were arranged in

two stages. The first one was related to a service stage when the slab was under a

gravity load and the column to be removed supported. The gravity load was

sustained in the second stage when a column loss scenario was simulated.

Experiments have shown that composite flush end-plate joints may not be robust

enough since their low strength under sagging bending, despite of good ductility,

does not allow for the redistribution of internal forces in order to achieve the

equilibrium in the residual state after static column removal. Contrary,

symmetrical steel and composite joints with extended end-plates on both sides of

beam flanges seem to be more robust, despite of their lesser ductility. Robust

bending behaviour is possible because extended end-plate joints exhibit a better

balance between the strength and rotation capacity that allows to achieve the

equilibrium state in case of a static column loss event.

Full text (pdf)


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About this Article

Joint moment-rotation characteristic in light of experimental simulations of frame column loss

Marian A. GIŻEJOWSKI (1)
Aleksander SZWED (2)
Albashir Ali K. SALEH (3)
Wioleta BARCEWICZ (4)

(1) Warsaw University of Technology
(2) Warsaw University of Technology
(3) Warsaw University of Technology
(4) Warsaw University of Technology


Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska

steel joint, composite joint, sub-frame test, column loss, catenary
action, joint ductility, robustness





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